Source code for synphot.spectrum

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""This module defines the different types of spectra."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from .extern import six

import numbers
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from astropy import log
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling import Model
from astropy.modeling.core import _CompoundModel
from astropy.modeling.models import RedshiftScaleFactor, Scale
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from astropy.utils import metadata

from . import exceptions, specio, units, utils
from .config import Conf, conf
from .models import ConstFlux1D, Empirical1D, get_waveset, get_metadata

__all__ = ['BaseSpectrum', 'BaseSourceSpectrum', 'SourceSpectrum',
           'BaseUnitlessSpectrum', 'SpectralElement']

# TODO: Update model logic when astropy.modeling supports Quantity.
[docs]class BaseSpectrum(object): """Base class to handle spectrum or bandpass. .. note:: Until `astropy.modeling` can handle units, all parameters are converted to pre-defined internal units. Parameters ---------- modelclass : cls Model class from `astropy.modeling.models`. clean_meta : bool Scrub "expr" and "header" entries from input metadata before merging. Set this to `True` when those entries no longer make sense in ``self``. This is automatically set to `True` regardless for spectrum arithmetic. kwargs : dict Model parameters accepted by ``modelclass``. Each parameter can be either a Quantity or number. If the latter, assume pre-defined internal units. Attributes ---------- meta : dict Metadata associated with the spectrum or bandpass model \ (warnings, legacy SYNPHOT expression, FITS header, etc). Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid model. """ _internal_wave_unit = u.AA _internal_flux_unit = None # For handling of units with models. _model_param_dict = { 'BlackBody1D': {'temperature': u.K}, 'BlackBodyNorm1D': {'temperature': u.K}, 'Box1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'width': 'wave'}, 'BrokenPowerLaw1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_break': 'wave', 'alpha_1': u.dimensionless_unscaled, 'alpha_2': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Const1D': {'amplitude': 'noconv'}, 'ConstFlux1D': {'amplitude': 'noconv'}, 'Empirical1D': {'points': 'wave', 'lookup_table': 'flux'}, 'ExtinctionModel1D': {'points': 'wave', 'lookup_table': 'flux'}, 'ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'x_cutoff': 'wave', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Gaussian1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'mean': 'wave', 'stddev': 'wave'}, 'GaussianAbsorption1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'mean': 'wave', 'stddev': 'wave'}, 'GaussianFlux1D': {'total_flux': 'noconv', 'amplitude': 'flux', 'mean': 'wave', 'stddev': 'wave', 'fwhm': 'wave'}, 'LogParabola1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled, 'beta': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Lorentz1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'fwhm': 'wave'}, 'MexicanHat1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'sigma': 'wave'}, 'PowerLaw1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'PowerLawFlux1D': { 'amplitude': 'noconv', 'x_0': 'noconv', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Trapezoid1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'width': 'wave', 'slope': u.dimensionless_unscaled}} # Flux conversion will use these wavelengths. _model_fconv_wav = { 'Box1D': 'x_0', 'BrokenPowerLaw1D': 'x_break', 'Empirical1D': 'points', 'ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw1D': 'x_0', 'Gaussian1D': 'mean', 'GaussianAbsorption1D': 'mean', 'GaussianFlux1D': 'mean', 'LogParabola1D': 'x_0', 'Lorentz1D': 'x_0', 'MexicanHat1D': 'x_0', 'PowerLaw1D': 'x_0', 'Trapezoid1D': 'x_0'} def __init__(self, modelclass, clean_meta=False, **kwargs): # Does not handle multiple model sets for now; too complicated. n_models = kwargs.pop('n_models', 1) if n_models != 1: raise exceptions.SynphotError('Model can only have n_models=1') other_meta = {} # This is needed for internal math operations to build composite model. # Handles the model instance, not class. Assume it is already in the # correct units and _n_models. if isinstance(modelclass, Model): self._model = modelclass if isinstance(modelclass, _CompoundModel): clean_meta = True elif isinstance(modelclass, BaseSpectrum): other_meta = modelclass.meta # External metadata self._model = modelclass.model elif not issubclass(modelclass, Model): raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid model class.'.format(modelclass)) else: modelname = modelclass.__name__ if modelname not in self._model_param_dict: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not supported.'.format(modelname)) modargs = {} # Process wavelength needed for flux conversion first, # if applicable. if modelname in self._model_fconv_wav: pname_wav = self._model_fconv_wav[modelname] pval_wav = self._process_wave_param(kwargs.pop(pname_wav)) modargs[pname_wav] = pval_wav else: pname_wav = '' pval_wav = None # Process the rest of the parameters. for pname, kval in six.iteritems(kwargs): if pname in self._model_param_dict[modelname]: ptype = self._model_param_dict[modelname][pname] if ptype == 'wave': pval = self._process_wave_param(kval) elif ptype == 'flux': pval = self._process_flux_param(kval, pval_wav) elif ptype == 'noconv': pval = kval else: pval = self._process_generic_param(kval, ptype) else: pval = kval modargs[pname] = pval self._model = modelclass(**modargs) # NOTE: This does not pick up any later changes to model metadata! # Start with model metadata. Others can be added later as needed # without affecting model metadata. m_meta = get_metadata(self._model) # Merge compound model meta self.meta = {} self._merge_meta(m_meta, other_meta, self, clean=clean_meta) @staticmethod def _get_meta(obj): """Extract metadata, if any, from given object.""" if hasattr(obj, 'meta'): # Spectrum or model meta = deepcopy(obj.meta) elif isinstance(obj, dict): # Metadata meta = deepcopy(obj) else: # Number meta = {} return meta @staticmethod def _merge_meta(left, right, result, clean=True): """Merge metadata from left and right onto results. This is used during class initialization. This should also be used by operators to merge metadata after creating a new instance but before returning it. Result's metadata is modified in-place. Parameters ---------- left, right : number, `BaseSpectrum`, or `~astropy.modeling.models` Inputs of an operation. result : `BaseSpectrum` Output spectrum object. clean : bool Remove ``'header'`` and ``'expr'`` entries from inputs. """ # Copies are returned because they need some clean-up below. left = BaseSpectrum._get_meta(left) right = BaseSpectrum._get_meta(right) # Remove these from going into result to avoid mess. # header = FITS header metadata # expr = ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT expression if clean: for key in ('header', 'expr'): for d in (left, right): if key in d: del d[key] mid = metadata.merge(left, right, metadata_conflicts='silent') result.meta = metadata.merge(result.meta, mid, metadata_conflicts='silent') @staticmethod def _process_generic_param(pval, def_unit, equivalencies=[]): """Process generic model parameter.""" if isinstance(pval, u.Quantity): outval =, equivalencies).value else: # Assume already in desired unit outval = pval return outval def _process_wave_param(self, pval): """Process individual model parameter representing wavelength.""" return self._process_generic_param( pval, self._internal_wave_unit, equivalencies=u.spectral()) def _process_flux_param(self, pval, wave): """Process individual model parameter representing flux/throughput. Parameters ---------- pval : number, array, or Quantity Input to be processed. wave : Quantity or `None` Wavelength for flux conversion, if applicable. Returns ------- outval : number or array Input converted to internal unit. """ raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented by subclasses.') @staticmethod def _validate_flux_unit(new_unit): """Make sure flux unit is valid. Parameters ---------- new_unit : str or Unit Unit to validate. Returns ------- new_unit Output from :func:`~synphot.units.validate_unit`. """ raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented by subclasses.') @property def model(self): """Model of the spectrum/bandpass.""" return self._model @property def warnings(self): """Dictionary of warning key-value pairs related to spectrum/bandpass. """ return self.meta.get('warnings', {}) @warnings.setter def warnings(self, val): if 'warnings' not in self.meta: self.meta['warnings'] = {} self.meta['warnings'].update(val) @property def waveset(self): """Optimal wavelengths for sampling the spectrum or bandpass.""" w = get_waveset(self.model) if w is not None: utils.validate_wavelengths(w) w = w * self._internal_wave_unit return w @property def waverange(self): """Range of `waveset`.""" if self.waveset is None: x = [None, None] else: x = u.Quantity([self.waveset.min(), self.waveset.max()]) return x def __str__(self): """Descriptive information of the spectrum or bandpass.""" return '{0}\n{1}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.model)) def _validate_wavelengths(self, wave): """Validate wavelengths for sampling.""" if wave is None: if self.waveset is None: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'self.waveset is undefined; ' 'Provide wavelengths for sampling.') wavelengths = self.waveset else: w = self._process_wave_param(wave) utils.validate_wavelengths(w) wavelengths = w * self._internal_wave_unit return wavelengths
[docs] def __call__(self, wavelengths): """Sample the spectrum or bandpass. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. Returns ------- sampled_result : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Sampled flux or throughput in pre-defined internal unit. Might have negative values. """ w = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) return self.model(w.value) * self._internal_flux_unit
# Operators are to be implemented by subclasses, where applicable. def __add__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Add self and other.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') def __sub__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Subtract other from self.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') @staticmethod def _validate_other_mul_div(other): """Conditions for other to satisfy before mul/div.""" if not isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number, BaseUnitlessSpectrum, SourceSpectrum)): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on scalar number/Quantity or spectrum') elif (isinstance(other, u.Quantity) and (other.unit.decompose() != u.dimensionless_unscaled or not np.isscalar(other.value) or not isinstance(other.value, numbers.Real))): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on real scalar dimensionless Quantity') elif (isinstance(other, numbers.Number) and not (np.isscalar(other) and isinstance(other, numbers.Real))): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on real scalar number') def __mul__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Multiply self and other.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') def __rmul__(self, other): """This is only called if ``other.__mul__`` cannot operate.""" return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Divide self by other.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') def __div__(self, other): # pragma: py2 """Same as :meth:`__truediv__` for Python 2 compatibility without future import. """ return self.__truediv__(other)
[docs] def integrate(self, wavelengths=None, **kwargs): """Perform integration. This uses any analytical integral that the underlying model has (i.e., ``self.model.integral``). If unavailable, it uses the default fall-back integrator set in the ``default_integrator`` configuration item. If wavelengths are provided, flux or throughput is first resampled. This is useful when user wants to integrate at specific end points or use custom spacing; In that case, user can pass in desired sampling array generated with :func:`numpy.linspace`, :func:`numpy.logspace`, etc. If not provided, then `waveset` is used. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for integration. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. kwargs : dict Optional keywords to ``__call__`` for sampling. Returns ------- result : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Integrated result. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Invalid default integrator. synphot.exceptions.SynphotError `waveset` is needed but undefined or cannot integrate natively in the given ``flux_unit``. """ # Cannot integrate per Hz units natively across wavelength # without converting them to per Angstrom unit first, so # less misleading to just disallow that option for now. if 'flux_unit' in kwargs: self._validate_flux_unit(kwargs['flux_unit'], wav_only=True) x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) # TODO: When astropy.modeling.models supports this, need to # make sure that this actually works, and gives correct unit. # # try: m = self.model.integral except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError): if conf.default_integrator == 'trapezoid': y = self(x, **kwargs) result = abs(np.trapz(y.value, x=x.value)) result_unit = y.unit else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError( 'Analytic integral not available and default integrator ' '{0} is not supported'.format(conf.default_integrator)) else: # pragma: no cover start = x[0].value stop = x[-1].value result = (m(stop) - m(start)) result_unit = self._internal_flux_unit # Ensure final unit takes account of integration across wavelength if result_unit != units.THROUGHPUT: if result_unit == units.PHOTLAM: result_unit = u.photon / (**2 * u.s) elif result_unit == units.FLAM: result_unit = u.erg / (**2 * u.s) else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError( 'Integration of {0} is not supported'.format(result_unit)) else: # Ideally flux can use this too but unfortunately this # operation results in confusing output unit for flux. result_unit *= self._internal_wave_unit return result * result_unit
[docs] def avgwave(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate the :ref:`average wavelength <synphot-formula-avgwv>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- avg_wave : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Average wavelength. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value num = np.trapz(y * x, x=x) den = np.trapz(y, x=x) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover avg_wave = 0.0 else: avg_wave = abs(num / den) return avg_wave * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def barlam(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`mean log wavelength <synphot-formula-barlam>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- bar_lam : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Mean log wavelength. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value num = np.trapz(y * np.log(x) / x, x=x) den = np.trapz(y / x, x=x) if num == 0 or den == 0: # pragma: no cover bar_lam = 0.0 else: bar_lam = np.exp(abs(num / den)) return bar_lam * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def pivot(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`pivot wavelength <synphot-formula-pivwv>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- pivwv : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Pivot wavelength. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value num = np.trapz(y * x, x=x) den = np.trapz(y / x, x=x) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover pivwv = 0.0 else: pivwv = np.sqrt(abs(num / den)) return pivwv * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def force_extrapolation(self): """Force the underlying model to extrapolate. An example where this is useful: You create a source spectrum with non-default extrapolation behavior and you wish to force the underlying empirical model to extrapolate based on nearest point. .. note:: This is only applicable to `~synphot.models.Empirical1D` model and should still work even if the source spectrum has been redshifted. Returns ------- is_forced : bool `True` if the model is successfully forced to be extrapolated, else `False`. """ # We use _model here in case the spectrum is redshifted. if isinstance(self._model, Empirical1D): self._model.fill_value = np.nan is_forced = True else: is_forced = False return is_forced
[docs] def taper(self, wavelengths=None): """Taper the spectrum or bandpass. The wavelengths to use for the first and last points are calculated by using the same ratio as for the 2 interior points. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for tapering. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- sp : `BaseSpectrum` Tapered empirical spectrum or bandpass. ``self`` is returned if already tapered (e.g., box model). """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) # Calculate new end points for tapering w1 = x[0] ** 2 / x[1] w2 = x[-1] ** 2 / x[-2] # Special handling for empirical data. # This is to be compatible with ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT behavior. if isinstance(self._model, Empirical1D): y1 = self._model.lookup_table[0] y2 = self._model.lookup_table[-1] # Other models can just evaluate at new end points else: y1 = self(w1) y2 = self(w2) # Nothing to do if y1 == 0 and y2 == 0: return self # Do we need a deepcopy here? y = self(x) if y1 != 0: x = np.insert(x, 0, w1) y = np.insert(y, 0, 0.0) if y2 != 0: x = np.insert(x, x.size, w2) y = np.insert(y, y.size, 0.0) return self.__class__(Empirical1D, points=x, lookup_table=y)
def _get_arrays(self, wavelengths, **kwargs): """Get sampled spectrum or bandpass in user units.""" x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self(x, **kwargs) if isinstance(wavelengths, u.Quantity): w =, u.spectral()) else: w = x return w, y @staticmethod def _do_plot(x, y, title='', xlog=False, ylog=False, left=None, right=None, bottom=None, top=None, save_as=''): # pragma: no cover """Plot worker. Parameters ---------- x, y : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux/throughput to plot. kwargs See :func:`plot`. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: log.error('No matplotlib installation found; plotting disabled ' 'as a result.') return fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y) # Custom wavelength limits if left is not None: ax.set_xlim(left=left) if right is not None: ax.set_xlim(right=right) # Custom flux/throughput limit if bottom is not None: ax.set_ylim(bottom=bottom) if top is not None: ax.set_ylim(top=top) xu = x.unit if xu.physical_type == 'frequency': ax.set_xlabel('Frequency ({0})'.format(xu)) else: ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength ({0})'.format(xu)) yu = y.unit if yu is u.dimensionless_unscaled: ax.set_ylabel('Unitless') else: ax.set_ylabel('Flux ({0})'.format(yu)) if title: ax.set_title(title) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylog: ax.set_yscale('log') plt.draw() if save_as: plt.savefig(save_as)'Plot saved as {0}'.format(save_as))
[docs] def plot(self, wavelengths=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Plot the spectrum. .. note:: Uses ``matplotlib``. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. title : str Plot title. xlog, ylog : bool Plot X and Y axes, respectively, in log scale. Default is linear scale. left, right : `None` or number Minimum and maximum wavelengths to plot. If `None`, uses the whole range. If a number is given, must be in Angstrom. bottom, top : `None` or number Minimum and maximum flux/throughput to plot. If `None`, uses the whole range. If a number is given, must be in internal unit. save_as : str Save the plot to an image file. The file type is automatically determined by given file extension. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths) self._do_plot(w, y, **kwargs)
[docs]class BaseSourceSpectrum(BaseSpectrum): """Base class to handle spectrum with flux unit like source spectrum and observation. Do not use directly. """ _internal_flux_unit = units.PHOTLAM @staticmethod def _validate_flux_unit(new_unit, wav_only=False): """Make sure flux unit is valid.""" new_unit = units.validate_unit(new_unit) acceptable_types = ['spectral flux density wav', 'photon flux density wav'] acceptable_names = ['PHOTLAM', 'FLAM'] if not wav_only: # Include per Hz units acceptable_types += ['spectral flux density', 'photon flux density'] acceptable_names += ['PHOTNU', 'FNU', 'Jy'] if new_unit.physical_type not in acceptable_types: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Source spectrum cannot operate in {0}. Acceptable units: ' '{1}'.format(new_unit, ','.join(acceptable_names))) return new_unit
[docs] def __call__(self, wavelengths, flux_unit=None, **kwargs): """Sample the spectrum. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. flux_unit : str or `~astropy.units.core.Unit` or `None` Flux is converted to this unit. If not given, internal unit is used. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. Returns ------- sampled_result : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Sampled flux in the given unit. Might have negative values. """ w = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self.model(w.value) * self._internal_flux_unit if flux_unit is None: sampled_result = y else: sampled_result = units.convert_flux(w, y, flux_unit, **kwargs) return sampled_result
[docs] def normalize(self, renorm_val, band=None, wavelengths=None, force=False, area=None, vegaspec=None): """Renormalize the spectrum to the given Quantity and band. .. warning:: Redshift attribute (``z``) is reset to 0 in the normalized spectrum even if ``self.z`` is non-zero. This is because the normalization simply adds a scale factor to the existing composite model. This is confusing but should not affect the flux sampling. Parameters ---------- renorm_val : number or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Value to renormalize the spectrum to. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in internal unit. band : `SpectralElement` Bandpass to use in renormalization. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for renormalization. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. force : bool By default (`False`), renormalization is only done when band wavelength limits are within ``self`` or at least 99% of the flux is within the overlap. Set to `True` to force renormalization for partial overlap (this changes the underlying model of ``self`` to always extrapolate, if applicable). Disjoint bandpass raises an exception regardless. area, vegaspec See :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. Returns ------- sp : obj Renormalized spectrum. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.DisjointError Renormalization band does not overlap with ``self``. synphot.exceptions.PartialOverlap Renormalization band only partially overlaps with ``self`` and significant amount of flux falls outside the overlap. synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs or calculation failed. """ warndict = {} if band is None: sp = self else: if not isinstance(band, SpectralElement): raise exceptions.SynphotError('Invalid bandpass.') stat = band.check_overlap(self, wavelengths=wavelengths) if stat == 'none': raise exceptions.DisjointError( 'Spectrum and renormalization band are disjoint.') elif 'partial' in stat: if stat == 'partial_most': warn_str = 'At least' elif stat == 'partial_notmost' and force: warn_str = 'Less than' else: raise exceptions.PartialOverlap( 'Spectrum and renormalization band do not fully ' 'overlap. You may use force=True to force the ' 'renormalization to proceed.') warn_str = ( 'Spectrum is not defined everywhere in renormalization ' 'bandpass. {0} 99% of the band throughput has ' 'data. Spectrum will be').format(warn_str) if self.force_extrapolation(): warn_str = ('{0} extrapolated at constant ' 'value.').format(warn_str) else: warn_str = ('{0} evaluated outside pre-defined ' 'waveset.').format(warn_str) warnings.warn(warn_str, AstropyUserWarning) warndict['PartialRenorm'] = warn_str elif stat != 'full': # pragma: no cover raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Overlap result of {0} is unexpected.'.format(stat)) sp = self.__mul__(band) if not isinstance(renorm_val, u.Quantity): renorm_val = renorm_val * self._internal_flux_unit renorm_unit_name = renorm_val.unit.to_string() w = sp._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) if (renorm_val.unit == u.count or renorm_unit_name == units.OBMAG.to_string()): # Special handling for non-density units flux_tmp = sp(w, flux_unit=u.count, area=area) totalflux = flux_tmp.sum().value stdflux = 1.0 else: totalflux = sp.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths).value # VEGAMAG if renorm_unit_name == units.VEGAMAG.to_string(): if not isinstance(vegaspec, SourceSpectrum): raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Vega spectrum is missing.') stdspec = vegaspec # Magnitude flux-density units elif renorm_val.unit in (u.STmag, u.ABmag): stdspec = SourceSpectrum( ConstFlux1D, amplitude=(0 * renorm_val.unit)) # Linear flux-density units else: stdspec = SourceSpectrum( ConstFlux1D, amplitude=(1 * renorm_val.unit)) if band is None: # TODO: Cannot get this to agree with results # from using a very large box bandpass. # stdflux = stdspec.integrate(wavelengths=w).value raise NotImplementedError('Must provide a bandpass') else: up = stdspec * band stdflux = up.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths).value utils.validate_totalflux(totalflux) # Renormalize in magnitudes if (renorm_val.unit.decompose() == u.mag or isinstance(renorm_val.unit, u.LogUnit)): const = renorm_val.value + (2.5 * np.log10(totalflux / stdflux)) newsp = self.__mul__(10**(-0.4 * const)) # Renormalize in linear flux units else: const = renorm_val.value * (stdflux / totalflux) newsp = self.__mul__(const) newsp.warnings = warndict return newsp
[docs]class SourceSpectrum(BaseSourceSpectrum): """Class to handle source spectrum. Parameters ---------- modelclass, kwargs See `BaseSpectrum`. z : number Redshift to apply to model. z_type : {'wavelength_only', 'conserve_flux'} Redshift can be done in one of the following ways: * ``'wavelength_only'`` only shifts the wavelength without adjusting the flux. This is the default behavior to be backward compatible with ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT. * ``'conserve_flux'`` also scales the flux to conserve it. """ def __init__(self, modelclass, z=0, z_type='wavelength_only', **kwargs): self._valid_z_types = ('wavelength_only', 'conserve_flux') self.z_type = z_type self.z = z super(SourceSpectrum, self).__init__(modelclass, **kwargs) def _process_flux_param(self, pval, wave): """Process individual model parameter representing flux.""" if isinstance(pval, u.Quantity): self._validate_flux_unit(pval.unit) outval = units.convert_flux(self._redshift_model(wave), pval, self._internal_flux_unit).value else: # Assume already in internal unit outval = pval return outval @property def model(self): """Model of the spectrum with given redshift.""" if self.z == 0: m = self._model else: # wavelength if self._internal_wave_unit.physical_type == 'length': rs = self._redshift_model.inverse # frequency or wavenumber # NOTE: This will never execute as long as internal wavelength # unit remains Angstrom. else: # pragma: no cover rs = self._redshift_model if self.z_type == 'wavelength_only': m = rs | self._model else: # conserve_flux m = rs | self._model | self._redshift_flux_model return m @property def z(self): """Redshift of the source spectrum.""" return self._z @z.setter def z(self, what): """Change redshift.""" if not isinstance(what, numbers.Real): raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Redshift must be a real scalar number.') self._z = float(what) self._redshift_model = RedshiftScaleFactor(self._z) if self.z_type == 'wavelength_only': self._redshift_flux_model = None else: # conserve_flux self._redshift_flux_model = Scale(1 / (1 + self._z)) @property def z_type(self): """Redshift behavior.""" return self._z_type @z_type.setter def z_type(self, what): if what not in self._valid_z_types: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid redshift behavior, choose ' 'from {1}'.format(what, self._valid_z_types)) self._z_type = what def __str__(self): """Descriptive information of the spectrum.""" return '{0} at z={1}\n{2}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.z, str(self.model)) def _validate_other_add_sub(self, other): """Conditions for other to satisfy before add/sub.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on {0}.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) def __add__(self, other): """Add ``self`` with ``other``.""" self._validate_other_add_sub(other) result = self.__class__(self.model + other.model) self._merge_meta(self, other, result) return result def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract other from self.""" self._validate_other_add_sub(other) result = self.__class__(self.model - other.model) self._merge_meta(self, other, result) return result def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply self and other.""" self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model * other.model) else: # Source spectrum raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Cannot multiply two source spectra together') self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide self by other.""" self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(1 / other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model / other.model) else: # Source spectrum newcls = BaseUnitlessSpectrum(self.model / other.model) self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls
[docs] def plot(self, wavelengths=None, flux_unit=None, area=None, vegaspec=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Plot the spectrum. .. note:: Uses :mod:`matplotlib`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for integration. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. flux_unit : str or `~astropy.units.core.Unit` or `None` Flux is converted to this unit for plotting. If not given, internal unit is used. area, vegaspec See :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. kwargs : dict See :func:`BaseSpectrum.plot`. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths, flux_unit=flux_unit, area=area, vegaspec=vegaspec) self._do_plot(w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_fits(self, filename, wavelengths=None, flux_unit=None, area=None, vegaspec=None, **kwargs): """Write the spectrum to a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output filename. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. flux_unit : str or `~astropy.units.core.Unit` or `None` Flux is converted to this unit before written out. If not given, internal unit is used. area, vegaspec See :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`~synphot.specio.write_fits_spec`. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths, flux_unit=flux_unit, area=area, vegaspec=vegaspec) # There are some standard keywords that should be added # to the extension header. bkeys = {'tdisp1': 'G15.7', 'tdisp2': 'G15.7'} if 'expr' in self.meta: bkeys['expr'] = (self.meta['expr'], 'synphot expression') if 'ext_header' in kwargs: kwargs['ext_header'].update(bkeys) else: kwargs['ext_header'] = bkeys specio.write_fits_spec(filename, w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, keep_neg=False, **kwargs): """Create a spectrum from file. If filename has 'fits' or 'fit' suffix, it is read as FITS. Otherwise, it is read as ASCII. Parameters ---------- filename : str Spectrum filename. keep_neg : bool See `~synphot.models.Empirical1D`. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_fits_spec` (if FITS) or :func:`~synphot.specio.read_ascii_spec` (if ASCII). Returns ------- sp : `SourceSpectrum` Empirical spectrum. """ header, wavelengths, fluxes = specio.read_spec(filename, **kwargs) return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=fluxes, keep_neg=keep_neg, meta={'header': header})
[docs] @classmethod def from_vega(cls, **kwargs): """Load :ref:`Vega spectrum <synphot-vega-spec>`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_remote_spec`. Returns ------- vegaspec : `SourceSpectrum` Empirical Vega spectrum. """ filename = conf.vega_file header, wavelengths, fluxes = specio.read_remote_spec( filename, **kwargs) header['filename'] = filename meta = {'header': header, 'expr': 'Vega from {0}'.format(os.path.basename(filename))} return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=fluxes, meta=meta)
[docs]class BaseUnitlessSpectrum(BaseSpectrum): """Base class to handle unitless spectrum like bandpass, reddening, etc.""" _internal_flux_unit = units.THROUGHPUT def _process_flux_param(self, pval, wave): """Process individual model parameter representing throughput.""" return self._process_generic_param(pval, self._internal_flux_unit) @staticmethod def _validate_flux_unit(new_unit): # pragma: no cover """Make sure flux unit is valid.""" new_unit = units.validate_unit(new_unit) if new_unit.decompose() != u.dimensionless_unscaled: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Unit {0} is not dimensionless'.format(new_unit)) return new_unit def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply self and other.""" do_meta_merge = True self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model * other.model) else: # SourceSpectrum do_meta_merge = False newcls = other.__mul__(self) if do_meta_merge: self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide self by other.""" self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(1 / other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model / other.model) else: # SourceSpectrum raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Cannot divide by source spectrum') self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls
[docs]class SpectralElement(BaseUnitlessSpectrum): """Class to handle instrument filter bandpass. Parameters ---------- modelclass, kwargs See `BaseSpectrum`. """
[docs] def check_overlap(self, other, wavelengths=None, threshold=0.01): """Check for wavelength overlap between two spectra. Only wavelengths where ``self`` throughput is non-zero are considered. Example of full overlap:: |---------- other ----------| |------ self ------| Examples of partial overlap:: |---------- self ----------| |------ other ------| |---- other ----| |---- self ----| |---- self ----| |---- other ----| Examples of no overlap:: |---- self ----| |---- other ----| |---- other ----| |---- self ----| Parameters ---------- other : `BaseSpectrum` wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for integration. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. threshold : float If less than this fraction of flux or throughput falls outside wavelength overlap, the *lack* of overlap is *insignificant*. This is only used when partial overlap is detected. Default is 1%. Returns ------- result : {'full', 'partial_most', 'partial_notmost', 'none'} * 'full' - ``self`` coverage is within or same as ``other`` * 'partial_most' - Less than ``threshold`` fraction of ``self`` flux is outside the overlapping wavelength region, i.e., the *lack* of overlap is *insignificant* * 'partial_notmost' - ``self`` partially overlaps with ``other`` but does not qualify for 'partial_most' * 'none' - ``self`` does not overlap ``other`` Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs. """ if not isinstance(other, BaseSpectrum): raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'other must be spectrum or bandpass.') # Special cases where no sampling wavelengths given and # one of the inputs is continuous. if wavelengths is None: if other.waveset is None: return 'full' if self.waveset is None: return 'partial_notmost' x1 = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y1 = self(x1) a = x1[y1 > 0].value b = other._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value result = utils.overlap_status(a, b) if result == 'partial': # If there is no need to extrapolate or taper other # (i.e., other is zero at self's wave limits), # then we consider it as a full coverage. # This logic assumes __call__ never returns mag or count! if ((isinstance(other.model, Empirical1D) and other.model.is_tapered() or not isinstance(other.model, (Empirical1D, _CompoundModel))) and np.allclose(other(x1[::x1.size - 1]).value, 0)): result = 'full' # Check if the lack of overlap is significant. else: # Get all the flux totalflux = self.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths).value utils.validate_totalflux(totalflux) a_min, a_max = a.min(), a.max() b_min, b_max = b.min(), b.max() # Now get the other two pieces excluded = 0.0 if a_min < b_min: excluded += self.integrate( wavelengths=np.array([a_min, b_min])).value if a_max > b_max: excluded += self.integrate( wavelengths=np.array([b_max, a_max])).value if excluded / totalflux < threshold: result = 'partial_most' else: result = 'partial_notmost' return result
[docs] def unit_response(self, area, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`unit response <synphot-formula-uresp>` of this bandpass. Parameters ---------- area : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Area that flux covers. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in :math:`cm^{2}`. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- uresp : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Flux (in FLAM) of a star that produces a response of one photon per second in this bandpass. """ a = units.validate_quantity(area, units.AREA) # Only correct if wavelengths are in Angstrom. x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value * x int_val = abs(np.trapz(y, x=x)) uresp = units.HC / (a.cgs * int_val) return uresp.value * units.FLAM
[docs] def rmswidth(self, wavelengths=None, threshold=None): """Calculate the :ref:`bandpass RMS width <synphot-formula-rmswidth>`. Not to be confused with :func:`photbw`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. threshold : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, optional Data points with throughput below this value are not included in the calculation. By default, all data points are included. Returns ------- rms_width : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` RMS width of the bandpass. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Threshold is invalid. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value if threshold is None: wave = x thru = y else: if (isinstance(threshold, numbers.Real) or (isinstance(threshold, u.Quantity) and threshold.unit == self._internal_flux_unit)): mask = y >= threshold else: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid threshold'.format(threshold)) wave = x[mask] thru = y[mask] a = self.avgwave(wavelengths=wavelengths).value num = np.trapz((wave - a) ** 2 * thru, x=wave) den = np.trapz(thru, x=wave) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover rms_width = 0.0 else: rms_width = np.sqrt(abs(num / den)) return rms_width * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def photbw(self, wavelengths=None, threshold=None): """Calculate the :ref:`bandpass RMS width as in IRAF SYNPHOT <synphot-formula-bandw>`. This is a compatibility function. To calculate the actual bandpass RMS width, use :func:`rmswidth`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. threshold : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, optional Data points with throughput below this value are not included in the calculation. By default, all data points are included. Returns ------- bandw : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` IRAF SYNPHOT RMS width of the bandpass. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Threshold is invalid. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value if threshold is None: wave = x thru = y else: if (isinstance(threshold, numbers.Real) or (isinstance(threshold, u.Quantity) and threshold.unit == self._internal_flux_unit)): mask = y >= threshold else: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid threshold'.format(threshold)) wave = x[mask] thru = y[mask] a = self.barlam(wavelengths=wavelengths).value if a == 0: bandw = 0.0 else: num = np.trapz(thru * np.log(wave / a) ** 2 / wave, x=wave) den = np.trapz(thru / wave, x=wave) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover bandw = 0.0 else: bandw = a * np.sqrt(abs(num / den)) return bandw * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def fwhm(self, **kwargs): """Calculate :ref:`synphot-formula-fwhm` of equivalent gaussian. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict See :func:`photbw`. Returns ------- fwhm_val : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` FWHM of equivalent gaussian. """ return np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) * self.photbw(**kwargs)
[docs] def tlambda(self, **kwargs): """Calculate throughput at :ref:`bandpass average wavelength <synphot-formula-avgwv>`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict See :func:`~BaseSpectrum.avgwave`. Returns ------- t_lambda : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Throughput at bandpass average wavelength. """ return self(self.avgwave(**kwargs))
[docs] def tpeak(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`peak bandpass throughput <synphot-formula-tpeak>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- tpeak : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Peak bandpass throughput. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value return self(x).max()
[docs] def wpeak(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`wavelength at peak throughput <synphot-formula-tpeak>`. If there are multiple data points with peak throughput value, only the first match is returned. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- wpeak : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength at peak throughput. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) return x[self(x) == self.tpeak(wavelengths=wavelengths)][0]
[docs] def equivwidth(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`bandpass equivalent width <synphot-formula-equvw>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- equvw : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Bandpass equivalent width. """ return self.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths)
[docs] def rectwidth(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`bandpass rectangular width <synphot-formula-rectw>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- rectw : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Bandpass rectangular width. """ equvw = self.equivwidth(wavelengths=wavelengths) tpeak = self.tpeak(wavelengths=wavelengths) if tpeak.value == 0: # pragma: no cover rectw = 0.0 * self._internal_wave_unit else: rectw = equvw / tpeak return rectw
[docs] def efficiency(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`dimensionless efficiency <synphot-formula-qtlam>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- qtlam : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Dimensionless efficiency. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value qtlam = abs(np.trapz(y / x, x=x)) return qtlam * u.dimensionless_unscaled
[docs] def emflx(self, area, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`equivalent monochromatic flux <synphot-formula-emflx>`. Parameters ---------- area, wavelengths See :func:`unit_response`. Returns ------- em_flux : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Equivalent monochromatic flux. """ t_lambda = self.tlambda(wavelengths=wavelengths) if t_lambda == 0: # pragma: no cover em_flux = 0.0 * units.FLAM else: uresp = self.unit_response(area, wavelengths=wavelengths) equvw = self.equivwidth(wavelengths=wavelengths).value em_flux = uresp * equvw / t_lambda return em_flux
[docs] def to_fits(self, filename, wavelengths=None, **kwargs): """Write the bandpass to a FITS file. Throughput column is automatically named 'THROUGHPUT'. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output filename. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`~synphot.specio.write_fits_spec`. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths) kwargs['flux_col'] = 'THROUGHPUT' kwargs['flux_unit'] = self._internal_flux_unit # There are some standard keywords that should be added # to the extension header. bkeys = {'tdisp1': 'G15.7', 'tdisp2': 'G15.7'} if 'expr' in self.meta: bkeys['expr'] = (self.meta['expr'], 'synphot expression') if 'ext_header' in kwargs: kwargs['ext_header'].update(bkeys) else: kwargs['ext_header'] = bkeys specio.write_fits_spec(filename, w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Creates a bandpass from file. If filename has 'fits' or 'fit' suffix, it is read as FITS. Otherwise, it is read as ASCII. Parameters ---------- filename : str Bandpass filename. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_fits_spec` (if FITS) or :func:`~synphot.specio.read_ascii_spec` (if ASCII). Returns ------- bp : `SpectralElement` Empirical bandpass. """ if 'flux_unit' not in kwargs: kwargs['flux_unit'] = cls._internal_flux_unit if ((filename.endswith('fits') or filename.endswith('fit')) and 'flux_col' not in kwargs): kwargs['flux_col'] = 'THROUGHPUT' header, wavelengths, throughput = specio.read_spec(filename, **kwargs) return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=throughput, keep_neg=True, meta={'header': header})
[docs] @classmethod def from_filter(cls, filtername, **kwargs): """Load :ref:`pre-defined filter bandpass <synphot-predefined-filter>`. Parameters ---------- filtername : str Filter name. Choose from 'bessel_j', 'bessel_h', 'bessel_k', 'cousins_r', 'cousins_i', 'johnson_u', 'johnson_b', 'johnson_v', 'johnson_r', 'johnson_i', 'johnson_j', or 'johnson_k'. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_remote_spec`. Returns ------- bp : `SpectralElement` Empirical bandpass. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid filter name. """ filtername = filtername.lower() # Select filename based on filter name if filtername == 'bessel_j': cfgitem = Conf.bessel_j_file elif filtername == 'bessel_h': cfgitem = Conf.bessel_h_file elif filtername == 'bessel_k': cfgitem = Conf.bessel_k_file elif filtername == 'cousins_r': cfgitem = Conf.cousins_r_file elif filtername == 'cousins_i': cfgitem = Conf.cousins_i_file elif filtername == 'johnson_u': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_u_file elif filtername == 'johnson_b': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_b_file elif filtername == 'johnson_v': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_v_file elif filtername == 'johnson_r': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_r_file elif filtername == 'johnson_i': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_i_file elif filtername == 'johnson_j': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_j_file elif filtername == 'johnson_k': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_k_file else: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Filter name {0} is invalid.'.format(filtername)) filename = cfgitem() if 'flux_unit' not in kwargs: kwargs['flux_unit'] = cls._internal_flux_unit if ((filename.endswith('fits') or filename.endswith('fit')) and 'flux_col' not in kwargs): kwargs['flux_col'] = 'THROUGHPUT' header, wavelengths, throughput = specio.read_remote_spec( filename, **kwargs) header['filename'] = filename header['descrip'] = cfgitem.description meta = {'header': header, 'expr': filtername} return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=throughput, meta=meta)