.. doctest-skip-all .. _synphot_formulae: Photometric Properties ====================== In here, we describe bandpass and spectral photometric properties that can be calculated using **synphot**, along with their respective formulae. More information can also be found in :ref:`Koornneef et al. (1986) `, :ref:`bandpass-main`, and :ref:`synphot_observation`. These are some common variables mentioned in the formulae in this section: =================== ================================= Variable Description =================== ================================= :math:`F_{\lambda}` Source flux distribution :math:`P_{\lambda}` Dimensionless bandpass throughput *a* Telescope collecting area *h* The Planck constant *c* The speed of light =================== ================================= The examples in this section uses bandpass from ACS/HRC F555W (from package test data) with some given bins and observation from that bandpass convolved with a blackbody:: >>> import os >>> from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename >>> from synphot import Observation, SourceSpectrum, SpectralElement, units >>> from synphot.models import BlackBodyNorm1D >>> area = 45238.93416 * units.AREA # HST >>> sp = SourceSpectrum(BlackBodyNorm1D, temperature=5000) >>> bp = SpectralElement.from_file(get_pkg_data_filename( ... os.path.join('data', 'hst_acs_hrc_f555w.fits'), ... package='synphot.tests')) >>> binset = range(1000, 11001) >>> obs = Observation(sp, bp, binset=binset) .. _synphot-formula-avgwv: Bandpass Average Wavelength --------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.avgwave` implements the equation for :math:`\lambda_{0}` as defined in :ref:`Koornneef et al. 1986 ` (page 836). It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` results for ``avglam``, ``avgmw``, or ``refwave``; The throughput at this wavelength is :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.tlambda`. .. math:: \lambda_{0} = \frac{\int \; P_{\lambda} \; \lambda \; d\lambda }{\int \; P_{\lambda} \; d\lambda} Example:: >>> bp.avgwave() >>> bp.tlambda() .. _synphot-formula-tpeak: Bandpass Peak Throughput ------------------------ For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.tpeak` implements the bandpass peak throughput. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` result for ``tpeak``; The wavelength at this throughput is :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.wpeak` (only first match is returned if peak value is not unique). Example:: >>> bp.tpeak() >>> bp.wpeak() .. _synphot-formula-qtlam: Bandpass Dimensionless Efficiency --------------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.efficiency` implements the dimensionless efficiency. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` result for ``qtlam``. .. math:: \text{qtlam} = \int \frac{P_{\lambda}}{\lambda} d\lambda Example:: >>> bp.efficiency() .. _synphot-formula-equvw: Bandpass Equivalent Width ------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.equivwidth` implements the equivalent width. It gives the same value as :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.integrate` and is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` result for ``equvw``. .. math:: \text{equvw} = \int P_{\lambda} d\lambda Example:: >>> bp.equivwidth() >>> bp.integrate() .. _synphot-formula-rectw: Bandpass Rectangular Width -------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.rectwidth` implements the rectangular width. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` result for ``rectw``. The ``equvw`` in the formula below is :ref:`synphot-formula-equvw`. .. math:: \text{rectw} = \frac{\text{equvw}}{\text{MAX}(P_{\lambda})} Example:: >>> bp.rectwidth() .. _synphot-formula-rmswidth: Bandpass RMS Band Width (Koornneef) ----------------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.rmswidth` implements the bandpass RMS width as defined in :ref:`Koornneef et al. 1986 ` (page 836), where :math:`\lambda_{0}` is the :ref:`synphot-formula-avgwv`. .. math:: \lambda_{\text{rms}} = \sqrt{\frac{\int \; P_{\lambda} \; (\lambda - \lambda_{0})^{2} \; d\lambda}{\int \; P_{\lambda} \: d\lambda}} Example:: >>> bp.rmswidth() .. _synphot-formula-bandw: Bandpass RMS Band Width (IRAF) ------------------------------ For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.photbw` implements the equivalent for ``bandw`` from IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` task, where :math:`\bar{\lambda}` is :ref:`synphot-formula-barlam`. This is not the same as :ref:`synphot-formula-rmswidth`. .. math:: \text{bandw} = \bar{\lambda} \; \sqrt{\frac{\int \; (P_{\lambda} / \lambda) \; \ln(\lambda \; / \; \bar{\lambda})^{2} \; d\lambda}{\int \; (P_{\lambda} / \lambda) \; d\lambda}} Example:: >>> bp.photbw() .. _synphot-formula-fwhm: FWHM ---- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.fwhm` implements the equivalent for ``fwhm`` from IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` task, where ``bandw`` is :ref:`synphot-formula-bandw`. .. math:: \text{fwhm} = \text{bandw} \; \sqrt{8 \; \log 2} Example:: >>> bp.fwhm() .. _synphot-formula-barlam: Bandpass Mean Log Wavelength ---------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.barlam` implements the mean wavelength as defined in :ref:`Schneider, Gunn, and Hoessel (1983) `. This rather unusual definition is such that the corresponding mean frequency is :math:`c / \bar{\lambda}`. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` results for ``barlam``. .. math:: \bar{\lambda} = \exp\Bigg[\frac{\int \; (P_{\lambda} / \lambda) \; \ln(\lambda) \; d\lambda}{\int (P_{\lambda} / \lambda) \; d\lambda}\Bigg] Example:: >>> bp.barlam() .. _synphot-formula-uresp: Bandpass Unit Response ---------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.unit_response` implements the computation of the flux of a star that produces a response of one count per second in that bandpass for a given telescope collecting area. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` result for ``uresp``. .. math:: \text{uresp} = \frac{hc}{a \int P_{\lambda}\; \lambda\; d\lambda} Example:: >>> bp.unit_response(area) .. _synphot-formula-emflx: Bandpass Equivalent Monochromatic Flux -------------------------------------- For a bandpass, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.SpectralElement.emflx` implements the equivalent monochromatic flux for a given telescope collecting area. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``bandpar`` result for ``emflx``. In the formula below, ``uresp``, ``equvw``, and :math:`\lambda_{0}` are :ref:`synphot-formula-uresp`, :ref:`synphot-formula-equvw`, and :ref:`synphot-formula-avgwv`, respectively. .. math:: \text{emflx} = \frac{\text{uresp} \times \text{equvw}}{P(\lambda_{0})} Example:: >>> bp.emflx(area) .. _synphot-formula-effstim: Effective Stimulus ------------------ For an observation, :meth:`~synphot.observation.Observation.effstim` calculates the predicted effective stimulus in given flux unit. :meth:`~synphot.observation.Observation.countrate` is a special form of effective stimulus in the unit of count/s given a telescope collecting area. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``calcphot`` result for ``effstim``. The default binning behavior is to be consistent with ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT. .. math:: \text{effstim} = \frac{\int\; F_{\lambda}\; P_{\lambda}\; \lambda\; d\lambda}{\int\; P_{\lambda}\; \lambda\; d\lambda} Example:: >>> obs.effstim() >>> obs.effstim('flam') >>> obs.effstim('count', area=area) # Not binned >>> obs.countrate(area=area, binned=False) >>> obs.countrate(area=area) # Binned .. _synphot-formula-effwave: Effective Wavelength -------------------- For an observation, :meth:`~synphot.observation.Observation.effective_wavelength` implements the effective wavelength, as defined in :ref:`Koornneef et al. 1986 ` (page 836), where flux unit is converted to FLAM prior to calculations. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``calcphot`` result for ``efflerg``. For backward compatibility, there is also an option (``mode='efflphot'``) to calculate this using flux in PHOTLAM, which is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT ``calcphot`` result for ``efflphot``. The default binning behavior is to be consistent with ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT. .. math:: \lambda_{\text{eff}} = \frac{\int \; F_{\lambda} \; P_{\lambda} \; \lambda^2 \; d\lambda}{\int \; F_{\lambda} \; P_{\lambda} \; \lambda \; d\lambda} Example:: >>> obs.effective_wavelength() # Binned >>> obs.effective_wavelength(mode='efflphot') # Deprecated WARNING: AstropyDeprecationWarning: Usage of EFFLPHOT is deprecated. [...] .. _synphot-formula-pivwv: Pivot Wavelength ---------------- For a bandpass or a source spectrum, :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.pivot` calculates the pivot wavelength. It is equivalent to IRAF SYNPHOT result for ``pivwv`` and ``pivot``. The formula shown applies to a bandpass. For a source, replace :math:`P_{\lambda}` with :math:`F_{\lambda}` below. .. math:: \lambda_{\text{pivot}} = \sqrt{\frac{\int \: P_{\lambda} \; \lambda \; d\lambda}{\int(P_{\lambda} \; / \; \lambda) \; d\lambda}} Example:: >>> bp.pivot() >>> obs.pivot() # Not binned