
class synphot.models.PowerLawFlux1D(amplitude, x_0, alpha, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: astropy.modeling.powerlaws.PowerLaw1D

One dimensional power law model with proper flux handling.

For multiple n_models, this model only accepts parameters of the same unit; e.g., amplitude=[1, 2] or amplitude=Quantity([1, 2], 'photlam').

Also see PowerLaw1D.

amplitude : number or Quantity

Model amplitude at the reference point. If not Quantity, assume the unit of PHOTLAM.

x_0 : number or Quantity

Reference point. If not Quantity, assume the unit of Angstrom.

alpha : float

Power law index.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

evaluate(x, *args) Return flux in PHOTLAM.

Attributes Documentation

param_names = ('amplitude', 'x_0', 'alpha')

Methods Documentation

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Return flux in PHOTLAM. Assume input wavelength is in Angstrom.