
synphot.specio.write_fits_spec(filename, wavelengths, fluxes, pri_header={}, ext_header={}, overwrite=False, trim_zero=True, pad_zero_ends=True, precision=None, epsilon=0.00032, wave_col='WAVELENGTH', flux_col='FLUX', wave_unit=Unit("Angstrom"), flux_unit=Unit("FLAM"))[source]

Write FITS spectrum.


If data is being written out as single-precision but wavelengths are in double-precision, some rows may be omitted.

filename : str

Output spectrum filename.

wavelengths, fluxes : array-like or Quantity

Wavelength and flux of the spectrum.

pri_header, ext_header : dict

Metadata to be added to primary and given extension FITS header, respectively. Do not use this to define column names and units.

overwrite : bool

Overwrite existing file. Defaults to False.

trim_zero : bool

Remove rows with zero-flux. Default is True.

pad_zero_ends : bool

Pad each end of the spectrum with a row of zero flux like synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.taper(). This is unnecessary if input is already tapered.

precision : {None, ‘single’, ‘double’}

Precision of values in output file. Use native flux precision by default.

epsilon : float

Single-precision \(\epsilon\) value, taken from IRAF SYNPHOT FAQ. This is the minimum separation in wavelengths necessary for SYNPHOT to read the entries as distinct single-precision numbers. This is only used if precision='single' but data are in double-precision. Default from the FAQ is 0.00032.

wave_col, flux_col : str

Wavelength and flux column names (case-insensitive).

wave_unit, flux_unit : str or Unit

Wavelength and flux units, which default to Angstrom and FLAM, respectively. These are only used if wavelengths and fluxes are not in astropy quantities.


Wavelengths and fluxes have difference shapes or value precision is not supported.