Source code for synphot.spectrum

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""This module defines the different types of spectra."""

import numbers
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import trapezoid

from astropy import log
from astropy import units as u
from import is_fits
from astropy.modeling import Model
from astropy.modeling.core import CompoundModel
from astropy.modeling.models import RedshiftScaleFactor, Scale
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from astropy.utils import metadata

from synphot import exceptions, specio, units, utils
from synphot.config import Conf, conf
from synphot.models import ConstFlux1D, Empirical1D, get_waveset, get_metadata

__all__ = ['BaseSpectrum', 'BaseSourceSpectrum', 'SourceSpectrum',
           'BaseUnitlessSpectrum', 'SpectralElement']

# TODO: Update model logic when astropy.modeling supports Quantity.
[docs] class BaseSpectrum: """Base class to handle spectrum or bandpass. .. note:: Until `astropy.modeling` can handle units, all parameters are converted to pre-defined internal units. Parameters ---------- modelclass : cls Model class from `astropy.modeling`. clean_meta : bool Scrub "expr" and "header" entries from input metadata before merging. Set this to `True` when those entries no longer make sense in ``self``. This is automatically set to `True` regardless for spectrum arithmetic. kwargs : dict Model parameters accepted by ``modelclass``. Each parameter can be either a Quantity or number. If the latter, assume pre-defined internal units. Attributes ---------- meta : dict Metadata associated with the spectrum or bandpass model \ (warnings, legacy SYNPHOT expression, FITS header, etc). Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid model. """ _internal_wave_unit = u.AA _internal_flux_unit = None # For handling of units with models. _model_param_dict = { 'BlackBody1D': {'temperature': u.K}, 'BlackBodyNorm1D': {'temperature': u.K}, 'Box1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'width': 'wave'}, 'BrokenPowerLaw1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_break': 'wave', 'alpha_1': u.dimensionless_unscaled, 'alpha_2': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Const1D': {'amplitude': 'noconv'}, 'ConstFlux1D': {'amplitude': 'noconv'}, 'Empirical1D': {'points': 'wave', 'lookup_table': 'flux'}, 'ExtinctionModel1D': {'points': 'wave', 'lookup_table': 'flux'}, 'ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'x_cutoff': 'wave', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Gaussian1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'mean': 'wave', 'stddev': 'wave'}, 'GaussianAbsorption1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'mean': 'wave', 'stddev': 'wave'}, 'GaussianFlux1D': {'total_flux': 'noconv', 'amplitude': 'flux', 'mean': 'wave', 'stddev': 'wave', 'fwhm': 'wave'}, 'LogParabola1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled, 'beta': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Lorentz1D': {'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'fwhm': 'wave'}, 'RickerWavelet1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'sigma': 'wave'}, 'MexicanHat1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'sigma': 'wave'}, 'PowerLaw1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'PowerLawFlux1D': { 'amplitude': 'noconv', 'x_0': 'noconv', 'alpha': u.dimensionless_unscaled}, 'Trapezoid1D': { 'amplitude': 'flux', 'x_0': 'wave', 'width': 'wave', 'slope': u.dimensionless_unscaled}} # Flux conversion will use these wavelengths. _model_fconv_wav = { 'Box1D': 'x_0', 'BrokenPowerLaw1D': 'x_break', 'Empirical1D': 'points', 'ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw1D': 'x_0', 'Gaussian1D': 'mean', 'GaussianAbsorption1D': 'mean', 'GaussianFlux1D': 'mean', 'LogParabola1D': 'x_0', 'Lorentz1D': 'x_0', 'RickerWavelet1D': 'x_0', 'MexicanHat1D': 'x_0', 'PowerLaw1D': 'x_0', 'Trapezoid1D': 'x_0'} def __init__(self, modelclass, clean_meta=False, **kwargs): # Does not handle multiple model sets for now; too complicated. n_models = kwargs.pop('n_models', 1) if n_models != 1: raise exceptions.SynphotError('Model can only have n_models=1') other_meta = {} # This is needed for internal math operations to build composite model. # Handles the model instance, not class. Assume it is already in the # correct units and _n_models. if isinstance(modelclass, Model): self._model = modelclass if isinstance(modelclass, CompoundModel): clean_meta = True elif isinstance(modelclass, BaseSpectrum): other_meta = modelclass.meta # External metadata self._model = modelclass.model elif not issubclass(modelclass, Model): raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid model class.'.format(modelclass)) else: modelname = modelclass.__name__ if modelname not in self._model_param_dict: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not supported.'.format(modelname)) modargs = {} # Process wavelength needed for flux conversion first, # if applicable. if modelname in self._model_fconv_wav: pname_wav = self._model_fconv_wav[modelname] pval_wav = self._process_wave_param(kwargs.pop(pname_wav)) modargs[pname_wav] = pval_wav else: pname_wav = '' pval_wav = None # Process the rest of the parameters. for pname, kval in kwargs.items(): if pname in self._model_param_dict[modelname]: ptype = self._model_param_dict[modelname][pname] if ptype == 'wave': pval = self._process_wave_param(kval) elif ptype == 'flux': pval = self._process_flux_param(kval, pval_wav) elif ptype == 'noconv': pval = kval else: pval = self._process_generic_param(kval, ptype) else: pval = kval modargs[pname] = pval self._model = modelclass(**modargs) # NOTE: This does not pick up any later changes to model metadata! # Start with model metadata. Others can be added later as needed # without affecting model metadata. m_meta = get_metadata(self._model) # Merge compound model meta self.meta = {} self._merge_meta(m_meta, other_meta, self, clean=clean_meta) @staticmethod def _get_meta(obj): """Extract metadata, if any, from given object.""" if hasattr(obj, 'meta'): # Spectrum or model meta = deepcopy(obj.meta) elif isinstance(obj, dict): # Metadata meta = deepcopy(obj) else: # Number meta = {} return meta @staticmethod def _merge_meta(left, right, result, clean=True): """Merge metadata from left and right onto results. This is used during class initialization. This should also be used by operators to merge metadata after creating a new instance but before returning it. Result's metadata is modified in-place. Parameters ---------- left, right : number, `BaseSpectrum`, or `~astropy.modeling.models` Inputs of an operation. result : `BaseSpectrum` Output spectrum object. clean : bool Remove ``'header'`` and ``'expr'`` entries from inputs. """ # Copies are returned because they need some clean-up below. left = BaseSpectrum._get_meta(left) right = BaseSpectrum._get_meta(right) # Remove these from going into result to avoid mess. # header = FITS header metadata # expr = ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT expression if clean: for key in ('header', 'expr'): for d in (left, right): if key in d: del d[key] mid = metadata.merge(left, right, metadata_conflicts='silent') result.meta = metadata.merge(result.meta, mid, metadata_conflicts='silent') @staticmethod def _process_generic_param(pval, def_unit, equivalencies=[]): """Process generic model parameter.""" if isinstance(pval, u.Quantity): outval = pval.to_value(def_unit, equivalencies) else: # Assume already in desired unit outval = pval return outval def _process_wave_param(self, pval): """Process individual model parameter representing wavelength.""" return self._process_generic_param( pval, self._internal_wave_unit, equivalencies=u.spectral()) def _process_flux_param(self, pval, wave): """Process individual model parameter representing flux/throughput. Parameters ---------- pval : number, array, or Quantity Input to be processed. wave : Quantity or `None` Wavelength for flux conversion, if applicable. Returns ------- outval : number or array Input converted to internal unit. """ raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented by subclasses.') @staticmethod def _validate_flux_unit(new_unit): """Make sure flux unit is valid. Parameters ---------- new_unit : str or Unit Unit to validate. Returns ------- new_unit Output from :func:`~synphot.units.validate_unit`. """ raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented by subclasses.') @property def model(self): """Model of the spectrum/bandpass.""" return self._model @property def warnings(self): """Dictionary of warning key-value pairs related to spectrum/bandpass. """ return self.meta.get('warnings', {}) @warnings.setter def warnings(self, val): if 'warnings' not in self.meta: self.meta['warnings'] = {} self.meta['warnings'].update(val) @property def waveset(self): """Optimal wavelengths for sampling the spectrum or bandpass.""" w = get_waveset(self.model) if w is not None: utils.validate_wavelengths(w) w = w * self._internal_wave_unit return w @property def waverange(self): """Range of `waveset`.""" if self.waveset is None: x = [None, None] else: x = u.Quantity([self.waveset.min(), self.waveset.max()]) return x def __str__(self): """Descriptive information of the spectrum or bandpass.""" return '{0}\n{1}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.model)) def _validate_wavelengths(self, wave): """Validate wavelengths for sampling.""" if wave is None: if self.waveset is None: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'self.waveset is undefined; ' 'Provide wavelengths for sampling.') wavelengths = self.waveset else: w = self._process_wave_param(wave) utils.validate_wavelengths(w) wavelengths = w * self._internal_wave_unit return wavelengths
[docs] def __call__(self, wavelengths): """Sample the spectrum or bandpass. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. Returns ------- sampled_result : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Sampled flux or throughput in pre-defined internal unit. Might have negative values. """ w = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) return self.model(w.value) * self._internal_flux_unit
# Operators are to be implemented by subclasses, where applicable. def __add__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Add self and other.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') def __sub__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Subtract other from self.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') @staticmethod def _validate_other_mul_div(other): """Conditions for other to satisfy before mul/div.""" if not isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number, BaseUnitlessSpectrum, SourceSpectrum)): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on scalar number/Quantity or spectrum') elif (isinstance(other, u.Quantity) and (other.unit.decompose() != u.dimensionless_unscaled or not np.isscalar(other.value) or not isinstance(other.value, numbers.Real))): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on real scalar dimensionless Quantity') elif (isinstance(other, numbers.Number) and not (np.isscalar(other) and isinstance(other, numbers.Real))): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on real scalar number') def __mul__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Multiply self and other.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') def __rmul__(self, other): """This is only called if ``other.__mul__`` cannot operate.""" return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """Divide self by other.""" raise NotImplementedError('This operation is not supported.') def __div__(self, other): # pragma: py2 """Same as :meth:`__truediv__` for Python 2 compatibility without future import. """ return self.__truediv__(other)
[docs] def integrate(self, wavelengths=None, integration_type=None, **kwargs): """Perform integration. When integration is not analytical and wavelengths are provided, flux or throughput is first resampled. This is useful when user wants to integrate at specific end points or use custom spacing; In that case, user can pass in desired sampling array generated with :func:`numpy.linspace`, :func:`numpy.logspace`, etc. If not provided, then `waveset` is used. When integration is analytical, wavelengths provided are only used if applicable for the particular model. If the model does not support analytical integration, it will fall back to simple trapezoid integration. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for integration. This is ignored by analytical integration if not applicable. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. integration_type : {None, 'trapezoid', 'analytical'} Defines how the integration is done, either by simple trapezoid integration or analytical formula. If `None`, the option is pulled from ``synphot.config.conf.default_integrator``. If analytical integration is requested but no possible, trapezoid integration is done anyway. flux_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, or `None` **This option is only available for source spectrum.** For trapezoid integration, flux is converted to this unit for sampling before integration. For analytical integration, while calculation is done differently, providing this option would result in equivalent behavior as trapezoid integration, where possible, for consistency. If not given, internal unit is used. kwargs : dict **This option is only available for source spectrum.** Other optional keywords besides ``flux_unit`` to ``__call__`` for sampling when integration type is not analytical. Returns ------- result : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Integrated result. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Invalid integration type. synphot.exceptions.SynphotError `waveset` is needed but undefined or cannot integrate natively in the given ``flux_unit``. """ # For non-analytical integration: # Cannot integrate per Hz units natively across wavelength # without converting them to per Angstrom unit first, so # less misleading to just disallow that option for now. # For analytical integration: Keep the same behavior for consistency. flux_unit = kwargs.get('flux_unit') is_unitless = self._internal_flux_unit == units.THROUGHPUT if flux_unit is not None: if is_unitless: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'flux_unit cannot be used with unitless spectrum') else: self._validate_flux_unit(flux_unit, wav_only=True) x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) if integration_type is None: integration_type = conf.default_integrator # NOTE: Emitting warning is not done because it overcomplicates # the logic here. # Fallback to trapezoid if analytical not possible. if (integration_type == 'analytical' and not hasattr(self.model, 'integrate')): integration_type = 'trapezoid' if integration_type == 'trapezoid': y = abs(self(x, **kwargs)) # Unsigned area result = abs(trapezoid(y, x=x)) elif integration_type == 'analytical': result = self.model.integrate(x) # TODO: Remove unit hardcoding when we use model with units # natively. if not is_unitless and result.unit.physical_type == 'length': result = result * self._internal_flux_unit # NOTE: flux_unit is flux density, not integrated. # Use wavelength for unit conversion, if applicable. if not is_unitless and flux_unit is not None: modelname = self.model.__class__.__name__ if modelname in self._model_fconv_wav: pname_wav = self._model_fconv_wav[modelname] wav = getattr(self.model, pname_wav).value with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral()): wav = u.Quantity(wav, self._internal_wave_unit) to_unit = flux_unit * self._internal_wave_unit result = units.convert_flux(wav, result, to_unit) else: raise NotImplementedError( '{} is not a supported integration ' 'type'.format(integration_type)) # Ensure final unit takes account of integration across wavelength # and make it pretty, where applicable. if not is_unitless: result_unit_str = result.unit.to_string() if 'ph' in result_unit_str or 'PHOTLAM' in result_unit_str: result = / (**2 * u.s)) else: # FLAM result = / (**2 * u.s)) return result
[docs] def avgwave(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate the :ref:`average wavelength <synphot-formula-avgwv>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- avg_wave : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Average wavelength. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value num = trapezoid(y * x, x=x) den = trapezoid(y, x=x) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover avg_wave = 0.0 else: avg_wave = abs(num / den) return avg_wave * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def barlam(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`mean log wavelength <synphot-formula-barlam>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- bar_lam : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Mean log wavelength. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value num = trapezoid(y * np.log(x) / x, x=x) den = trapezoid(y / x, x=x) if num == 0 or den == 0: # pragma: no cover bar_lam = 0.0 else: bar_lam = np.exp(abs(num / den)) return bar_lam * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def pivot(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`pivot wavelength <synphot-formula-pivwv>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- pivwv : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Pivot wavelength. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).value y = self(x).value num = trapezoid(y * x, x=x) den = trapezoid(y / x, x=x) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover pivwv = 0.0 else: pivwv = np.sqrt(abs(num / den)) return pivwv * self._internal_wave_unit
[docs] def force_extrapolation(self): """Force the underlying model to extrapolate. An example where this is useful: You create a source spectrum with non-default extrapolation behavior and you wish to force the underlying empirical model to extrapolate based on nearest point. .. note:: This is only applicable to `~synphot.models.Empirical1D` model and should still work even if the source spectrum has been redshifted. Returns ------- is_forced : bool `True` if the model is successfully forced to be extrapolated, else `False`. """ # We use _model here in case the spectrum is redshifted. if isinstance(self._model, Empirical1D): self._model.fill_value = np.nan is_forced = True else: is_forced = False return is_forced
[docs] def taper(self, wavelengths=None): """Taper the spectrum or bandpass. The wavelengths to use for the first and last points are calculated by using the same ratio as for the 2 interior points. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for tapering. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. Returns ------- sp : `BaseSpectrum` Tapered empirical spectrum or bandpass. ``self`` is returned if already tapered (e.g., box model). """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) # Calculate new end points for tapering w1 = x[0] ** 2 / x[1] w2 = x[-1] ** 2 / x[-2] # Special handling for empirical data. # This is to be compatible with ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT behavior. if isinstance(self._model, Empirical1D): y1 = self._model.lookup_table[0] y2 = self._model.lookup_table[-1] # Other models can just evaluate at new end points else: y1 = self(w1) y2 = self(w2) # Nothing to do if y1 == 0 and y2 == 0: return self # Do we need a deepcopy here? y = self(x) if y1 != 0: x = np.insert(x, 0, w1) y = np.insert(y, 0, 0.0 * y.unit) if y2 != 0: x = np.insert(x, x.size, w2) y = np.insert(y, y.size, 0.0 * y.unit) return self.__class__(Empirical1D, points=x, lookup_table=y)
def _get_arrays(self, wavelengths, **kwargs): """Get sampled spectrum or bandpass in user units.""" x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self(x, **kwargs) if isinstance(wavelengths, u.Quantity): w =, u.spectral()) else: w = x return w, y @staticmethod def _do_plot(x, y, title='', xlog=False, ylog=False, left=None, right=None, bottom=None, top=None, save_as=''): # pragma: no cover """Plot worker. Parameters ---------- x, y : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux/throughput to plot. kwargs See :func:`plot`. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: log.error('No matplotlib installation found; plotting disabled ' 'as a result.') return fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y) # Custom wavelength limits if left is not None: ax.set_xlim(left=left) if right is not None: ax.set_xlim(right=right) # Custom flux/throughput limit if bottom is not None: ax.set_ylim(bottom=bottom) if top is not None: ax.set_ylim(top=top) xu = x.unit if xu.physical_type == 'frequency': ax.set_xlabel('Frequency ({0})'.format(xu)) else: ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength ({0})'.format(xu)) yu = y.unit if yu is u.dimensionless_unscaled: ax.set_ylabel('Unitless') else: ax.set_ylabel('Flux ({0})'.format(yu)) if title: ax.set_title(title) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylog: ax.set_yscale('log') plt.draw() if save_as: plt.savefig(save_as)'Plot saved as {0}'.format(save_as))
[docs] def plot(self, wavelengths=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Plot the spectrum. .. note:: Uses ``matplotlib``. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, `waveset` is used. title : str Plot title. xlog, ylog : bool Plot X and Y axes, respectively, in log scale. Default is linear scale. left, right : `None` or number Minimum and maximum wavelengths to plot. If `None`, uses the whole range. If a number is given, must be in Angstrom. bottom, top : `None` or number Minimum and maximum flux/throughput to plot. If `None`, uses the whole range. If a number is given, must be in internal unit. save_as : str Save the plot to an image file. The file type is automatically determined by given file extension. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths) self._do_plot(w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_spectrum1d(cls, spec, keep_neg=False): """Create a spectrum from `specutils.Spectrum1D` object. Parameters ---------- spec : `specutils.Spectrum1D` keep_neg : bool See `~synphot.models.Empirical1D`. Returns ------- sp : `BaseSourceSpectrum` Empirical spectrum. """ # Remove masking here if specutils does it natively, see # if spec.mask is not None: msk = ~spec.mask points = spec.spectral_axis[msk] lookup_table = spec.flux[msk] else: points = spec.spectral_axis lookup_table = spec.flux # Spectrum1D is designed to be immutable, so no need to make # copies of spectral_axis nor flux. return cls(Empirical1D, points=points, lookup_table=lookup_table, keep_neg=keep_neg, meta={'header': spec.meta.copy()})
[docs] def to_spectrum1d(self, wavelengths=None, **kwargs): """Create a `specutils.Spectrum1D` object from spectrum. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. flux_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, or `None` This option is not applicable to unitless spectrum like bandpass. Flux is converted to this unit before written out. If not given, internal unit is used. Count and magnitudes are not supported. Returns ------- spec : `specutils.Spectrum1D` Raises ------ ImportError ``specutils`` is not installed. """ from synphot.compat import HAS_SPECUTILS if not HAS_SPECUTILS: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('specutils must be installed to use this method') import specutils w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths, **kwargs) return specutils.Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=w, flux=y, meta=self.meta.copy())
[docs] class BaseSourceSpectrum(BaseSpectrum): """Base class to handle spectrum with flux unit like source spectrum and observation. Do not use directly. """ _internal_flux_unit = units.PHOTLAM @staticmethod def _validate_flux_unit(new_unit, wav_only=False): """Make sure flux unit is valid.""" new_unit = units.validate_unit(new_unit) acceptable_types = ['spectral flux density wav', 'photon flux density wav'] acceptable_names = ['PHOTLAM', 'FLAM'] if not wav_only: # Include per Hz units acceptable_types += ['spectral flux density', 'photon flux density'] acceptable_names += ['PHOTNU', 'FNU', 'Jy'] if new_unit.physical_type not in acceptable_types: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Source spectrum cannot operate in {0}. Acceptable units: ' '{1}'.format(new_unit, ','.join(acceptable_names))) return new_unit
[docs] def __call__(self, wavelengths, flux_unit=None, **kwargs): """Sample the spectrum. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. flux_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, or `None` Flux is converted to this unit. If not given, internal unit is used. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. Returns ------- sampled_result : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Sampled flux in the given unit. Might have negative values. """ w = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self.model(w.value) * self._internal_flux_unit if flux_unit is None: sampled_result = y else: sampled_result = units.convert_flux(w, y, flux_unit, **kwargs) return sampled_result
[docs] def normalize(self, renorm_val, band=None, wavelengths=None, force=False, area=None, vegaspec=None): """Renormalize the spectrum to the given Quantity and band. .. warning:: Redshift attribute (``z``) is reset to 0 in the normalized spectrum even if ``self.z`` is non-zero. This is because the normalization simply adds a scale factor to the existing composite model. This is confusing but should not affect the flux sampling. Parameters ---------- renorm_val : number or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Value to renormalize the spectrum to. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in internal unit. band : `SpectralElement` Bandpass to use in renormalization. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for renormalization. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. force : bool By default (`False`), renormalization is only done when band wavelength limits are within ``self`` or at least 99% of the flux is within the overlap. Set to `True` to force renormalization for partial overlap (this changes the underlying model of ``self`` to always extrapolate, if applicable). Disjoint bandpass raises an exception regardless. area, vegaspec See :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. Returns ------- sp : obj Renormalized spectrum. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.DisjointError Renormalization band does not overlap with ``self``. synphot.exceptions.PartialOverlap Renormalization band only partially overlaps with ``self`` and significant amount of flux falls outside the overlap. synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs or calculation failed. """ warndict = {} if band is None: sp = self else: if not isinstance(band, SpectralElement): raise exceptions.SynphotError('Invalid bandpass.') stat = band.check_overlap(self, wavelengths=wavelengths) if stat == 'none': raise exceptions.DisjointError( 'Spectrum and renormalization band are disjoint.') elif 'partial' in stat: if stat == 'partial_most': warn_str = 'At least' elif stat == 'partial_notmost' and force: warn_str = 'Less than' else: raise exceptions.PartialOverlap( 'Spectrum and renormalization band do not fully ' 'overlap. You may use force=True to force the ' 'renormalization to proceed.') warn_str = ( 'Spectrum is not defined everywhere in renormalization ' 'bandpass. {0} 99% of the band throughput has ' 'data. Spectrum will be').format(warn_str) if self.force_extrapolation(): warn_str = ('{0} extrapolated at constant ' 'value.').format(warn_str) else: warn_str = ('{0} evaluated outside pre-defined ' 'waveset.').format(warn_str) warnings.warn(warn_str, AstropyUserWarning) warndict['PartialRenorm'] = warn_str elif stat != 'full': # pragma: no cover raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Overlap result of {0} is unexpected.'.format(stat)) sp = self.__mul__(band) if not isinstance(renorm_val, u.Quantity): renorm_val = renorm_val * self._internal_flux_unit renorm_unit_name = renorm_val.unit.to_string() w = sp._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) if (renorm_val.unit == u.count or renorm_unit_name == units.OBMAG.to_string()): # Special handling for non-density units flux_tmp = sp(w, flux_unit=u.count, area=area) totalflux = flux_tmp.sum().value stdflux = 1.0 else: totalflux = sp.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths, integration_type='trapezoid') # VEGAMAG if renorm_unit_name == units.VEGAMAG.to_string(): if not isinstance(vegaspec, SourceSpectrum): raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Vega spectrum is missing.') stdspec = vegaspec # Magnitude flux-density units elif renorm_val.unit in (u.STmag, u.ABmag): stdspec = SourceSpectrum( ConstFlux1D, amplitude=(0 * renorm_val.unit)) # Linear flux-density units else: stdspec = SourceSpectrum( ConstFlux1D, amplitude=(1 * renorm_val.unit)) if band is None: # TODO: Cannot get this to agree with results # from using a very large box bandpass. # stdflux = stdspec.integrate(wavelengths=w).value raise NotImplementedError('Must provide a bandpass') else: up = stdspec * band stdflux = up.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths, integration_type='trapezoid') utils.validate_totalflux(totalflux) # Renormalize in magnitudes if (renorm_val.unit.decompose() == u.mag or isinstance(renorm_val.unit, u.LogUnit)): const = renorm_val.value + (2.5 * np.log10(totalflux / stdflux)) newsp = self.__mul__(10**(-0.4 * const)) # Renormalize in linear flux units else: const = renorm_val.value * (stdflux / totalflux) newsp = self.__mul__(const) newsp.warnings = warndict return newsp
[docs] class SourceSpectrum(BaseSourceSpectrum): """Class to handle source spectrum. Parameters ---------- modelclass, kwargs See `BaseSpectrum`. z : number Redshift to apply to model. z_type : {'wavelength_only', 'conserve_flux'} Redshift can be done in one of the following ways: * ``'wavelength_only'`` only shifts the wavelength without adjusting the flux. This is the default behavior to be backward compatible with ASTROLIB PYSYNPHOT. * ``'conserve_flux'`` also scales the flux to conserve it. """ def __init__(self, modelclass, z=0, z_type='wavelength_only', **kwargs): self._valid_z_types = ('wavelength_only', 'conserve_flux') self.z_type = z_type self.z = z super(SourceSpectrum, self).__init__(modelclass, **kwargs) def _process_flux_param(self, pval, wave): """Process individual model parameter representing flux.""" if isinstance(pval, u.Quantity): self._validate_flux_unit(pval.unit) outval = units.convert_flux(self._redshift_model(wave), pval, self._internal_flux_unit).value else: # Assume already in internal unit outval = pval return outval @property def model(self): """Model of the spectrum with given redshift.""" if self.z == 0: m = self._model else: # wavelength if self._internal_wave_unit.physical_type == 'length': rs = self._redshift_model.inverse # frequency or wavenumber # NOTE: This will never execute as long as internal wavelength # unit remains Angstrom. else: # pragma: no cover rs = self._redshift_model if self.z_type == 'wavelength_only': m = rs | self._model else: # conserve_flux m = rs | self._model | self._redshift_flux_model return m @property def z(self): """Redshift of the source spectrum.""" return self._z @z.setter def z(self, what): """Change redshift.""" if not isinstance(what, numbers.Real): raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Redshift must be a real scalar number.') self._z = float(what) self._redshift_model = RedshiftScaleFactor(self._z) if self.z_type == 'wavelength_only': self._redshift_flux_model = None else: # conserve_flux self._redshift_flux_model = Scale(1 / (1 + self._z)) @property def z_type(self): """Redshift behavior.""" return self._z_type @z_type.setter def z_type(self, what): if what not in self._valid_z_types: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid redshift behavior, choose ' 'from {1}'.format(what, self._valid_z_types)) self._z_type = what def __str__(self): """Descriptive information of the spectrum.""" return '{0} at z={1}\n{2}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.z, str(self.model)) def _validate_other_add_sub(self, other): """Conditions for other to satisfy before add/sub.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Can only operate on {0}.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) def __add__(self, other): """Add ``self`` with ``other``.""" self._validate_other_add_sub(other) result = self.__class__(self.model + other.model) self._merge_meta(self, other, result) return result def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract other from self.""" self._validate_other_add_sub(other) result = self.__class__(self.model - other.model) self._merge_meta(self, other, result) return result def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply self and other.""" self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model * other.model) else: # Source spectrum raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Cannot multiply two source spectra together') self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide self by other.""" self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(1 / other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model / other.model) else: # Source spectrum newcls = BaseUnitlessSpectrum(self.model / other.model) self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls
[docs] def plot(self, wavelengths=None, flux_unit=None, area=None, vegaspec=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Plot the spectrum. .. note:: Uses :mod:`matplotlib`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for integration. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. flux_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, or `None` Flux is converted to this unit for plotting. If not given, internal unit is used. area, vegaspec See :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. kwargs : dict See :func:`BaseSpectrum.plot`. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths, flux_unit=flux_unit, area=area, vegaspec=vegaspec) self._do_plot(w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_fits(self, filename, wavelengths=None, flux_unit=None, area=None, vegaspec=None, **kwargs): """Write the spectrum to a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output filename. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. flux_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, or `None` Flux is converted to this unit before written out. If not given, internal unit is used. area, vegaspec See :func:`~synphot.units.convert_flux`. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`~synphot.specio.write_fits_spec`. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths, flux_unit=flux_unit, area=area, vegaspec=vegaspec) # There are some standard keywords that should be added # to the extension header. bkeys = {'tdisp1': 'G15.7', 'tdisp2': 'G15.7'} if 'expr' in self.meta: bkeys['expr'] = (self.meta['expr'], 'synphot expression') if 'ext_header' in kwargs: kwargs['ext_header'].update(bkeys) else: kwargs['ext_header'] = bkeys specio.write_fits_spec(filename, w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, keep_neg=False, **kwargs): """Create a spectrum from file. If filename has 'fits' or 'fit' suffix, it is read as FITS. Otherwise, it is read as ASCII. Parameters ---------- filename : str Spectrum filename. keep_neg : bool See `~synphot.models.Empirical1D`. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_fits_spec` (if FITS) or :func:`~synphot.specio.read_ascii_spec` (if ASCII). Returns ------- sp : `SourceSpectrum` Empirical spectrum. """ header, wavelengths, fluxes = specio.read_spec(filename, **kwargs) return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=fluxes, keep_neg=keep_neg, meta={'header': header})
[docs] @classmethod def from_vega(cls, **kwargs): """Load :ref:`Vega spectrum <synphot-vega-spec>`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_remote_spec`. Returns ------- vegaspec : `SourceSpectrum` Empirical Vega spectrum. """ filename = conf.vega_file header, wavelengths, fluxes = specio.read_remote_spec( filename, **kwargs) header['filename'] = filename meta = {'header': header, 'expr': 'Vega from {0}'.format(os.path.basename(filename))} return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=fluxes, meta=meta)
[docs] class BaseUnitlessSpectrum(BaseSpectrum): """Base class to handle unitless spectrum like bandpass, reddening, etc.""" _internal_flux_unit = units.THROUGHPUT def _process_flux_param(self, pval, wave): """Process individual model parameter representing throughput.""" return self._process_generic_param(pval, self._internal_flux_unit) @staticmethod def _validate_flux_unit(new_unit): # pragma: no cover """Make sure flux unit is valid.""" new_unit = units.validate_unit(new_unit) if new_unit.decompose() != u.dimensionless_unscaled: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Unit {0} is not dimensionless'.format(new_unit)) return new_unit def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply self and other.""" do_meta_merge = True self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model * other.model) else: # SourceSpectrum do_meta_merge = False newcls = other.__mul__(self) if do_meta_merge: self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide self by other.""" self._validate_other_mul_div(other) if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)): newcls = self.__class__(self.model | Scale(1 / other)) elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum): newcls = self.__class__(self.model / other.model) else: # SourceSpectrum raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources( 'Cannot divide by source spectrum') self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls) return newcls
[docs] class SpectralElement(BaseUnitlessSpectrum): """Class to handle instrument filter bandpass. Parameters ---------- modelclass, kwargs See `BaseSpectrum`. """
[docs] def check_overlap(self, other, wavelengths=None, threshold=0.01): """Check for wavelength overlap between two spectra. Only wavelengths where ``self`` throughput is non-zero are considered. Example of full overlap:: |---------- other ----------| |------ self ------| Examples of partial overlap:: |---------- self ----------| |------ other ------| |---- other ----| |---- self ----| |---- self ----| |---- other ----| Examples of no overlap:: |---- self ----| |---- other ----| |---- other ----| |---- self ----| Parameters ---------- other : `BaseSpectrum` wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for integration. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``waveset`` is used. threshold : float If less than this fraction of flux or throughput falls outside wavelength overlap, the *lack* of overlap is *insignificant*. This is only used when partial overlap is detected. Default is 1%. Returns ------- result : {'full', 'partial_most', 'partial_notmost', 'none'} * 'full' - ``self`` coverage is within or same as ``other`` * 'partial_most' - Less than ``threshold`` fraction of ``self`` flux is outside the overlapping wavelength region, i.e., the *lack* of overlap is *insignificant* * 'partial_notmost' - ``self`` partially overlaps with ``other`` but does not qualify for 'partial_most' * 'none' - ``self`` does not overlap ``other`` Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid inputs. """ if not isinstance(other, BaseSpectrum): raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'other must be spectrum or bandpass.') # Special cases where no sampling wavelengths given and # one of the inputs is continuous. if wavelengths is None: if other.waveset is None: return 'full' if self.waveset is None: return 'partial_notmost' x1 = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y1 = self(x1) a = x1[y1 > 0] b = other._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) result = utils.overlap_status(a, b) if result == 'partial': # If there is no need to extrapolate or taper other # (i.e., other is zero at self's wave limits), # then we consider it as a full coverage. # This logic assumes __call__ never returns mag or count! if ((isinstance(other.model, Empirical1D) and other.model.is_tapered() or not isinstance(other.model, (Empirical1D, CompoundModel))) and np.allclose(other(x1[::x1.size - 1]).value, 0)): result = 'full' # Check if the lack of overlap is significant. else: # Get all the flux totalflux = self.integrate(wavelengths=wavelengths, integration_type='trapezoid') utils.validate_totalflux(totalflux) a_min, a_max = a.min(), a.max() b_min, b_max = b.min(), b.max() # Now get the other two pieces excluded = 0.0 * totalflux.unit if a_min < b_min: excluded += self.integrate( wavelengths=u.Quantity([a_min, b_min]), integration_type='trapezoid') if a_max > b_max: excluded += self.integrate( wavelengths=u.Quantity([b_max, a_max]), integration_type='trapezoid') if excluded / totalflux < threshold: result = 'partial_most' else: result = 'partial_notmost' return result
[docs] def unit_response(self, area, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`unit response <synphot-formula-uresp>` of this bandpass. Parameters ---------- area : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Area that flux covers. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in :math:`cm^{2}`. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- uresp : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Flux (in FLAM) of a star that produces a response of one photon per second in this bandpass. """ a = units.validate_quantity(area, units.AREA) # Only correct if wavelengths are in Angstrom. x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths).to(u.AA) y = self(x) * x int_val = abs(trapezoid(y, x=x)) uresp = units.HC / (a.cgs * int_val) return (uresp / u.s).to(units.FLAM)
[docs] def rmswidth(self, wavelengths=None, threshold=None): """Calculate the :ref:`bandpass RMS width <synphot-formula-rmswidth>`. Not to be confused with :func:`photbw`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. threshold : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, optional Data points with throughput below this value are not included in the calculation. By default, all data points are included. Returns ------- rms_width : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` RMS width of the bandpass. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Threshold is invalid. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self(x) if threshold is None: wave = x thru = y else: try: mask = y >= threshold except Exception as e: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid threshold: ' '{1}'.format(threshold, str(e))) wave = x[mask] thru = y[mask] a = self.avgwave(wavelengths=wavelengths) num = trapezoid((wave - a) ** 2 * thru, x=wave) den = trapezoid(thru, x=wave) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover rms_width = 0.0 * a.unit else: rms_width = np.sqrt(abs(num / den)) return rms_width
[docs] def photbw(self, wavelengths=None, threshold=None): """Calculate the :ref:`bandpass RMS width as in IRAF SYNPHOT <synphot-formula-bandw>`. This is a compatibility function. To calculate the actual bandpass RMS width, use :func:`rmswidth`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. threshold : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, optional Data points with throughput below this value are not included in the calculation. By default, all data points are included. Returns ------- bandw : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` IRAF SYNPHOT RMS width of the bandpass. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Threshold is invalid. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self(x) if threshold is None: wave = x thru = y else: try: mask = y >= threshold except Exception as e: raise exceptions.SynphotError( '{0} is not a valid threshold: ' '{1}'.format(threshold, str(e))) wave = x[mask] thru = y[mask] a = self.barlam(wavelengths=wavelengths) if a == 0: bandw = 0.0 * a.unit else: num = trapezoid(thru * np.log(wave / a) ** 2 / wave, x=wave) den = trapezoid(thru / wave, x=wave) if den == 0: # pragma: no cover bandw = 0.0 * a.unit else: bandw = a * np.sqrt(abs(num / den)) return bandw
[docs] def fwhm(self, **kwargs): """Calculate :ref:`synphot-formula-fwhm` of equivalent gaussian. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict See :func:`photbw`. Returns ------- fwhm_val : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` FWHM of equivalent gaussian. """ return np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) * self.photbw(**kwargs)
[docs] def tlambda(self, **kwargs): """Calculate throughput at :ref:`bandpass average wavelength <synphot-formula-avgwv>`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict See :func:`~BaseSpectrum.avgwave`. Returns ------- t_lambda : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Throughput at bandpass average wavelength. """ return self(self.avgwave(**kwargs))
[docs] def tpeak(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`peak bandpass throughput <synphot-formula-tpeak>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- tpeak : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Peak bandpass throughput. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) return self(x).max()
[docs] def wpeak(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`wavelength at peak throughput <synphot-formula-tpeak>`. If there are multiple data points with peak throughput value, only the first match is returned. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- wpeak : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength at peak throughput. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) return x[self(x) == self.tpeak(wavelengths=wavelengths)][0]
[docs] def equivwidth(self, **kwargs): """Calculate :ref:`bandpass equivalent width <synphot-formula-equvw>`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict See :meth:`~synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.integrate`. Returns ------- equvw : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Bandpass equivalent width. """ return self.integrate(**kwargs)
[docs] def rectwidth(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`bandpass rectangular width <synphot-formula-rectw>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- rectw : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Bandpass rectangular width. """ equvw = self.equivwidth(wavelengths=wavelengths, integration_type='trapezoid') tpeak = self.tpeak(wavelengths=wavelengths) if tpeak.value == 0: # pragma: no cover rectw = 0.0 * self._internal_wave_unit else: rectw = equvw / tpeak return rectw
[docs] def efficiency(self, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`dimensionless efficiency <synphot-formula-qtlam>`. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. Returns ------- qtlam : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Dimensionless efficiency. """ x = self._validate_wavelengths(wavelengths) y = self(x) return abs(trapezoid(y / x, x=x))
[docs] def emflx(self, area, wavelengths=None): """Calculate :ref:`equivalent monochromatic flux <synphot-formula-emflx>`. Parameters ---------- area, wavelengths See :func:`unit_response`. Returns ------- em_flux : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Equivalent monochromatic flux. """ t_lambda = self.tlambda(wavelengths=wavelengths) if t_lambda == 0: # pragma: no cover em_flux = 0.0 * units.FLAM else: uresp = self.unit_response(area, wavelengths=wavelengths) equvw = self.equivwidth(wavelengths=wavelengths, integration_type='trapezoid') em_flux = uresp * equvw / (t_lambda * self._internal_wave_unit) return em_flux
[docs] def to_fits(self, filename, wavelengths=None, **kwargs): """Write the bandpass to a FITS file. Throughput column is automatically named 'THROUGHPUT'. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output filename. wavelengths : array-like, `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`, or `None` Wavelength values for sampling. If not a Quantity, assumed to be in Angstrom. If `None`, ``self.waveset`` is used. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`~synphot.specio.write_fits_spec`. """ w, y = self._get_arrays(wavelengths) kwargs['flux_col'] = 'THROUGHPUT' kwargs['flux_unit'] = self._internal_flux_unit # There are some standard keywords that should be added # to the extension header. bkeys = {'tdisp1': 'G15.7', 'tdisp2': 'G15.7'} if 'expr' in self.meta: bkeys['expr'] = (self.meta['expr'], 'synphot expression') if 'ext_header' in kwargs: kwargs['ext_header'].update(bkeys) else: kwargs['ext_header'] = bkeys specio.write_fits_spec(filename, w, y, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Creates a bandpass from file. If filename is recognized by ```` as FITS, it is read as such. Otherwise, it is read as ASCII. Parameters ---------- filename : str Bandpass filename. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_fits_spec` (if FITS) or :func:`~synphot.specio.read_ascii_spec` (if ASCII). Returns ------- bp : `SpectralElement` Empirical bandpass. """ if is_fits("", filename, None): if 'flux_col' not in kwargs: kwargs['flux_col'] = 'THROUGHPUT' elif 'flux_unit' not in kwargs: # pragma: no cover kwargs['flux_unit'] = cls._internal_flux_unit header, wavelengths, throughput = specio.read_spec(filename, **kwargs) return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=throughput, keep_neg=True, meta={'header': header})
[docs] @classmethod def from_filter(cls, filtername, **kwargs): """Load :ref:`pre-defined filter bandpass <synphot-predefined-filter>`. Parameters ---------- filtername : str Filter name. Choose from 'bessel_j', 'bessel_h', 'bessel_k', 'cousins_r', 'cousins_i', 'johnson_u', 'johnson_b', 'johnson_v', 'johnson_r', 'johnson_i', 'johnson_j', or 'johnson_k'. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`~synphot.specio.read_remote_spec`. Returns ------- bp : `SpectralElement` Empirical bandpass. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Invalid filter name. """ filtername = filtername.lower() # Select filename based on filter name if filtername == 'bessel_j': cfgitem = Conf.bessel_j_file elif filtername == 'bessel_h': cfgitem = Conf.bessel_h_file elif filtername == 'bessel_k': cfgitem = Conf.bessel_k_file elif filtername == 'cousins_r': cfgitem = Conf.cousins_r_file elif filtername == 'cousins_i': cfgitem = Conf.cousins_i_file elif filtername == 'johnson_u': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_u_file elif filtername == 'johnson_b': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_b_file elif filtername == 'johnson_v': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_v_file elif filtername == 'johnson_r': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_r_file elif filtername == 'johnson_i': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_i_file elif filtername == 'johnson_j': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_j_file elif filtername == 'johnson_k': cfgitem = Conf.johnson_k_file else: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Filter name {0} is invalid.'.format(filtername)) filename = cfgitem() if is_fits("", filename, None): if 'flux_col' not in kwargs: kwargs['flux_col'] = 'THROUGHPUT' elif 'flux_unit' not in kwargs: # pragma: no cover kwargs['flux_unit'] = cls._internal_flux_unit header, wavelengths, throughput = specio.read_remote_spec( filename, **kwargs) header['filename'] = filename header['descrip'] = cfgitem.description meta = {'header': header, 'expr': filtername} return cls(Empirical1D, points=wavelengths, lookup_table=throughput, meta=meta)