Source code for synphot.specio

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""This modules handles synthetic photometry data formats."""

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np

from astropy import log
from astropy import units as u
from import ascii, fits
from import is_fits
from astropy.table import QTable
from import get_readable_fileobj
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from synphot import __version__, exceptions, units

__all__ = ['read_remote_spec', 'read_spec', 'read_ascii_spec',
           'read_fits_spec', 'write_fits_spec']

[docs] def read_remote_spec(filename, encoding='binary', cache=True, show_progress=True, **kwargs): """Read FITS or ASCII spectrum from a remote location. Parameters ---------- filename : str Spectrum filename. encoding, cache, show_progress See :func:``. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`read_fits_spec` (if FITS) or :func:`read_ascii_spec` (if ASCII). Returns ------- header : dict Metadata. wavelengths, fluxes : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux of the spectrum. """ with get_readable_fileobj(filename, encoding=encoding, cache=cache, show_progress=show_progress) as fd: header, wavelengths, fluxes = read_spec(fd, fname=filename, **kwargs) return header, wavelengths, fluxes
[docs] def read_spec(filename, fname='', **kwargs): """Read FITS or ASCII spectrum. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file pointer Spectrum file name or pointer. fname : str Filename. This is *only* used if ``filename`` is a pointer. kwargs : dict Keywords acceptable by :func:`read_fits_spec` (if FITS) or :func:`read_ascii_spec` (if ASCII). Returns ------- header : dict Metadata. wavelengths, fluxes : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux of the spectrum. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Read failed. """ if isinstance(filename, str): fname = filename elif not fname: # pragma: no cover raise exceptions.SynphotError('Cannot determine filename.') if is_fits("", fname, None): read_func = read_fits_spec else: read_func = read_ascii_spec return read_func(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_ascii_spec(filename, wave_unit=u.AA, flux_unit=units.FLAM, **kwargs): """Read ASCII spectrum. ASCII table must have following columns: #. Wavelength data #. Flux data It can have more than 2 columns but the rest is ignored. Comments are discarded. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file pointer Spectrum file name or pointer. wave_unit, flux_unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Wavelength and flux units, which default to Angstrom and FLAM, respectively. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:``. Returns ------- header : dict This is just an empty dictionary, so returned values are the same as :func:`read_fits_spec`. wavelengths, fluxes : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux of the spectrum. They are set to 'float64' percision. """ header = {} dat =, **kwargs) wave_unit = units.validate_unit(wave_unit) flux_unit = units.validate_unit(flux_unit) wavelengths = dat.columns[0].data.astype(np.float64) * wave_unit fluxes = dat.columns[1].data.astype(np.float64) * flux_unit return header, wavelengths, fluxes
[docs] @deprecated_renamed_argument( ["wave_unit", "flux_unit"], [None, None], ["1.4", "1.4"], alternative='TUNITn as per FITS standards') def read_fits_spec(filename, ext=1, wave_col='WAVELENGTH', flux_col='FLUX', wave_unit=u.AA, flux_unit=units.FLAM): """Read FITS spectrum. Wavelength and flux units are extracted from respective ``TUNITn`` keywords, from data table (not primary) header. If these keywords are not present, units are taken from ``wave_unit`` and ``flux_unit`` instead. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file pointer Spectrum file name or pointer. ext: int FITS extension with table data. Default is 1. wave_col, flux_col : str Wavelength and flux column names (case-insensitive). wave_unit, flux_unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Wavelength and flux units. These are *no longer used*. Define your units in the respective ``TUNITn`` keywords in table (not primary) header. .. deprecated:: 1.4 Returns ------- header : dict Primary header only. Extension header is discarded. wavelengths, fluxes : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux of the spectrum. """ wave_col = wave_col.lower() flux_col = flux_col.lower() try: fs = subhdu = fs[ext] # Need to fix table units for key in subhdu.header["TUNIT*"]: val = subhdu.header[key] if not val: continue newval = units.validate_unit(val) subhdu.header[key] = newval.to_string() # Must be generic to handle mag # noqa: E501 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=u.UnitsWarning, message=".* did not parse as fits unit") t = header = dict(fs["PRIMARY"].header) # lower_colnames = [c.lower() for c in t.colnames] t_col_wave = t.columns[lower_colnames.index(wave_col)] if t_col_wave.unit: t_col_wave_unit = units.validate_unit(t_col_wave.unit.to_string()) else: t_col_wave_unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled t_col_flux = t.columns[lower_colnames.index(flux_col)] if t_col_flux.unit: t_col_flux_unit = units.validate_unit(t_col_flux.unit.to_string()) else: t_col_flux_unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled wavelengths = t_col_wave.value * t_col_wave_unit fluxes = t_col_flux.value * t_col_flux_unit finally: if isinstance(filename, str): fs.close() return header, wavelengths, fluxes
[docs] def write_fits_spec(filename, wavelengths, fluxes, pri_header={}, ext_header={}, overwrite=False, trim_zero=True, pad_zero_ends=True, precision=None, epsilon=0.00032, wave_col='WAVELENGTH', flux_col='FLUX', wave_unit=u.AA, flux_unit=units.FLAM): """Write FITS spectrum. .. warning:: If data is being written out as single-precision but wavelengths are in double-precision, some rows may be omitted. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output spectrum filename. wavelengths, fluxes : array-like or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength and flux of the spectrum. pri_header, ext_header : dict Metadata to be added to primary and given extension FITS header, respectively. Do *not* use this to define column names and units. overwrite : bool Overwrite existing file. Defaults to `False`. trim_zero : bool Remove rows with zero-flux. Default is `True`. pad_zero_ends : bool Pad each end of the spectrum with a row of zero flux like :func:`synphot.spectrum.BaseSpectrum.taper`. This is unnecessary if input is already tapered. precision : {`None`, 'single', 'double'} Precision of values in output file. Use native flux precision by default. epsilon : float Single-precision :math:`\\epsilon` value, taken from IRAF SYNPHOT FAQ. This is the minimum separation in wavelengths necessary for SYNPHOT to read the entries as distinct single-precision numbers. This is *only* used if ``precision='single'`` but data are in double-precision. Default from the FAQ is 0.00032. wave_col, flux_col : str Wavelength and flux column names (case-insensitive). wave_unit, flux_unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Wavelength and flux units, which default to Angstrom and FLAM, respectively. These are *only* used if wavelengths and fluxes are not in astropy quantities. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Wavelengths and fluxes have difference shapes or value precision is not supported. """ if isinstance(wavelengths, u.Quantity): wave_unit = wavelengths.unit wave_value = wavelengths.value else: wave_value = wavelengths if isinstance(fluxes, u.Quantity): flux_unit = fluxes.unit flux_value = fluxes.value else: flux_value = fluxes wave_unit = units.validate_unit(wave_unit).to_string().upper() flux_unit = units.validate_unit(flux_unit).to_string().upper() if wave_value.shape != flux_value.shape: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'Wavelengths have shape {0} but fluxes have shape {1}'.format( wave_value.shape, flux_value.shape)) # Remove rows with zero flux. Putting this before precision logic to avoid # keeping duplicate wavelengths with zero flux. if trim_zero: idx = np.where(flux_value != 0) wave_value = wave_value[idx] flux_value = flux_value[idx] n_thrown = wave_value.size - len(idx[0]) if n_thrown != 0:'{0} zero-flux rows are thrown out'.format(n_thrown)) # Only these Numpy types are supported # 'f' np.float32 # 'd' np.float64 pcodes = {'d': 'D', 'f': 'E'} # Numpy to FITS conversion # Use native flux precision if precision is None: precision = flux_value.dtype.char if precision not in pcodes: raise exceptions.SynphotError('flux is not float32 or float64') # Use user specified precision else: precision = precision.lower() if precision == 'single': precision = 'f' elif precision == 'double': precision = 'd' else: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'precision must be single or double') # Now check wavelength precision wave_precision = wave_value.dtype.char if wave_precision not in pcodes: raise exceptions.SynphotError( 'wavelength is not float32 or float64') # If wavelength is double-precision but data is written out as # single-precision, wavelength values have to be recalculated # so that they will still be sorted with no duplicates. if wave_precision == 'd' and precision == 'f': orig_size = wave_value.size idx = np.where(np.abs(wave_value[1:] - wave_value[:-1]) > epsilon) wave_value = np.append(wave_value[idx], wave_value[-1]) flux_value = np.append(flux_value[idx], flux_value[-1]) n_thrown = orig_size - wave_value.size if n_thrown != 0: warnings.warn( '{0} rows are thrown out in converting wavelengths from ' 'double- to single-precision'.format(n_thrown), AstropyUserWarning) # Keep one zero at each end if pad_zero_ends: w1 = wave_value[0] ** 2 / wave_value[1] w2 = wave_value[-1] ** 2 / wave_value[-2] wave_value = np.insert(wave_value, [0, wave_value.size], [w1, w2]) flux_value = np.insert(flux_value, [0, flux_value.size], [0.0, 0.0]) # Construct the columns cw = fits.Column(name=wave_col, array=wave_value, unit=wave_unit, format=pcodes[precision]) cf = fits.Column(name=flux_col, array=flux_value, unit=flux_unit, format=pcodes[precision]) # These are written to the primary header: # 1. Filename # 2. Origin # 3. User dictionary (can overwrite defaults) hdr_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdr_hdu.header['filename'] = (os.path.basename(filename), 'name of file') hdr_hdu.header['origin'] = ('synphot', 'Version {0}'.format(__version__)) for key, val in pri_header.items(): hdr_hdu.header[key] = val # Make the extension HDU and include user dictionary in extension header. tab_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([cw, cf])) for key, val in ext_header.items(): tab_hdu.header[key] = val # Write to file hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdr_hdu]) hdulist.append(tab_hdu) hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=overwrite)